Mental Health Coalition
Three tips to manage stress and anxiety
Mental Health Coalition
Taming Anxiety
As we continue to navigate new phases of the Covid-19 pandemic, the list of things that someone might be anxious about is never-ending. To help individuals learn to live with their anxiety, Dr. Luana teamed up with Dan Harris and Leslie Booker to create a 10-day series of videos through the Ten Percent Happier app.
Every 1 needs to talk 2 some 1
During mental health awareness month, Dr. Luana joined Vic Mensa & Lauren Jauregui and Jeremy Fall & Yung Pueblo to talk about mental health. Watch both clips today.
Corona-Angst: Waffenkaufe in den USA steigen
ZDF German Television
主に捨てられ…ペットを保護 死者最多 アメリカの現実
Fuji Television
Face the Nation
Leadership and Management Amid Crisis
CNBC @Work